History of quality and reliability
It all started when the founder of Tecnopesca P&M, a young netting apprentice repaired and assembled all kinds of nets at the dock in the Port of Marín, back in the sixties.
His work was of such high quality that in a short time he began to work for several companies, including the port of Vigo, where fishing gears were designed and prepared for vessels and fishing boats that operated in all the fishing grounds of the world. And so the years passed and that net worker became a reference as a rig manufacturer.
Today, Tecnopesca P&M is among the largest manufacturers of trawl gear in Europe, South America and Asia.
All tests and production are carried out in close collaboration with the fishing industry.
This allows us to consolidate existing products, as well as to develop new products thanks to our line of research, the result of years of costly experience and knowledge of the sector. The success of our company is based among others:
Custom Solutions
We certify quality and high standards in our designs, and we are proud to have achieved so much. Our rigs are flexible and versatile for capturing a wide variety of species. The long life and low cost of our products, thanks to their unique design and excellent craftsmanship, make our rigs the best choice.
When new designs are tested, the master of the vessel for which the design was created is almost always present. The same employees involved in the development of our rigs, come from the sector and are experienced professionals, this means that we speak the same language as our clients , who are advised before, during and after in related topics such as:
Selection of materials to use (fishing nets, naval hardware).
Optimal rigging design, maneuver design.
Evaluation of the rig at work and after the tide. Evolution and Strength
Evolution and Strength
We have a warehouse that offers a wide family of world class products, the most complete technical service in the market and all the necessary equipment to equip a modern fishing vessel. Responding to all kinds of requests in the very short term.
The central values of our associations, reliability and mutual respect, are all the values transmitted from generation to generation and more recently from Pascual Otero to his brother Manuel Otero.